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Welcome to our latest edition of Financially Savvy.

In this edition we provide some tips on how mums can avoid having a 'super baby debt' and our guest author Kelly Magowan shares her insights into why women need to include money as one of their core values.

We all want the best for our kids but the reality is that we may not all be able to afford to pay for their tertiary education. Our article looks at other ways you could help your children. We also delve into why we should dedicate more time to investment planning and why it's so important to start saving in super as early as possible.

If you would like to discuss issues raised in this publication, please contact us on 03 9770 6499 or email


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Super baby debt

Having a family can create a ‘super baby debt’ for mothers of up to $50,000 by the time they reach retirement age.

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Why more women need MONEY as a value and it's benefits

Our guest author Kelly Magowan shares her insights into the need for women to include money in their core values.

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How to tackle tertiary education costs with your kids

Find out how you can help your children, even if it's not in the form of a cash handout.

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Planning a holiday, building a house and creating a portfolio

"It's often said that many people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they do on their investment plan," say US-based Vanguard investment analysts Donald Bennyhoff and Colleen Jaconetti in an updated research paper.

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Save early, save often

One of the underlying attributes of Australia's superannuation system is that it starts young adults saving for retirement as soon as they join the workforce.

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